Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 2, 2013
This was a travel day from Asheville NC to Stone Mountain GA. Close to 200 miles.  Nice weather day.  This is the last stop on our tour with the caravan.  Friday morning we will say goodbye to all our new friends and head for Red Bay Alabama and  Tiffin Motorhomes to get some items repaired on our traveling home.  For this reason Carl insisted that we wash the RV after arriving at the campground.  Kind of like cleaning the house because the maid is coming if you ask me. 
I had never heard of Stone Mountain GA before we signed up for this trip.  It is a tourist destination, a somewhat different kind of amusement park.  There is a stone mountain in the center of the park with a carving commemorating confederate heroes, Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee, and "Stonewall" Jackson.
After dark we watched a laser light show with fireworks.  Often lasers and pictures were projected onto the stone mountain.  We enjoyed the show and the music that went along with it.

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