Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 28 - 30 Charleston
March 28th  Was a travel day to Charleston SC, about 106 miles, not too bad.  Shortly outside Savannah Carl and I stopped at The Mighty 8th Air Force Museum.  Carl picked this stop and he really enjoyed it.  The museum has the history of the Mighty 8th in WWII but also lots of other Air Force memorabilia. 

March 29th – Bus tour of historic Charleston and time to shop at the Old City Market.  For lunch we tried boiled peanuts and also grits and fried grits.   Fried grits much better than plain grits.  Boiled peanuts ok but not as good as roasted/salted.
In the afternoon we toured a tea plantation.  The only tea grown and processed in the U.S. On the way to the next stop at Magnolia Plantation we drove by the “Angel Tree”.
This is all one live oak tree, hunreds of years old.  The branches are so big and long they touch the ground

March 30th – We toured the Patriot Point Navel and Maritime Museum.  Carl loved it!  They have converted the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier, the Destroyer Laffey, and a submarine to Museums.  You can walk through these vessels and see how life aboard was when they were in use.  The Yorktown had numerous aircraft on board from WWII to much more current.

After the Maritime Museum we took a ferrey to Fort Sumter National Monument.  The first shots of the Civil War happened here.

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