Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 7, 2013

Today with Adventure Caravans we visited three places.  Nice weather today.  Chilly early and late but nice most of the day.
Coral Castle was billed as the American Stonehenge.  This place was built by Ed Leedskalnin.  When he was 26 he fell in love with a 16 year old who dumped him one day before the wedding in Latvia. He traveled to the U.S.  He built the castle in her honor.  He mined lime stone, coral blocks and built a unique structure that he charged admission to and earned a living doing so.
We had a guided tour at an Orchid Farm.  The owners of this farm have a beautiful home surrounded by beautiful gardens.
A Bonsai Gardens Tour.  Everything you ever wanted to know about Bonsai. 
All three places were probably not something we would have chosen to do on our own but interesting and educational over all.
Homestead is a very agricultural area.  They grow everything here.  Nursery items as well as food items.

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