Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 27 – 28, 2013

Wednesday the 27th was a travel day from Carrabelle Fl to Ocala Fl – 214 miles.  What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday was windy and angry seas and today was beautiful blue sky and smooth seas.  We drove straight through with only a stop for Gas.  It was very good day for a drive day.  This is the last time we have two drive days in a row.  After the drive we went to the bank and gas station and Carl patiently took me to quilt shops.  There was a short social with the whole group then Carl and I played Mexican Train with two other couples.

February 28, 2013

Marion County Fl produces more horses than anywhere in the world.  Today we took a bus tour of horse farms in the county.  We had a carriage ride at Horse Country Carriage Co and a BBQ lunch at same.  The equestrian team from the University for Florida train at the same location.  I love the Spanish moss in the trees in this area. 
We also visited Silver Springs Nature Park.  I would describe it as a combination zoo and adventure park.  We went on a glass bottom boat ride and a Jeep/trailer ride. 

We also toured an area that has a fly in community that has a runway that can accommodate John Travolta’s 707 and he can taxi up to his house.  There are 26 other homes off the runway.
The weather today was beautiful.  Blue sunny sky.
Spanich Moss - Not Spanish, Not Moss. Contains Chiggars.
Horses are Percherons. Mike and Ike
These horses were featured in beginning of one of the Prirates of the Carribean and in a Country Western music video.
                         Aligator Gar Fish                                                           

This Bulls name is Oreo
Blond Kodiak Bear

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013

Today we drove about 180 miles from Pensacola to Carrabelle.  This is a shorter distance than many other days but felt longer due to the slower speed and traffic lights, wind, etc.  We only made one stop. We visited the Gulfarium in Fort Walton Beach and had lunch next door at The Angler.  It seemed that we really lucked out at the Gulfarium because as we went from exhibit to exhibit they were feeding the animals so we got to see animals and activity.  We saw miles and miles of coast line, white sand beaches, forests and water crossings.  A beautiful area. There was one spot where the strip of land was narrow enough to see the Gulf of Mexico on one side and a Bay on the other side.

Toll Rt. 281

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

Reports say that there was 6 inches of rain overnight.

Today the bus picked us up at 8 am and we visited the Navel Air Museum in Pensacola.  We had a guided tour and saw an IMAX film.  Carl really enjoyed the museum. 
Then we went on a tour of Joe Patti’s seafood company.  It was on a bay off the Gulf of Mexico.  They had two piers out back that boats pull up to with fresh seafood. I’m posting a picture of the “welfare birds” on the pier. They had a freezer the size of a warehouse and an Ice maker that makes 5000 lbs of ice a day.  They sold all the seafood out front and also sell online.  Fun.  Interesting.  Then we went on a bus tour of the city of Pensacola.  Interesting facts but it started to rain again.

February 24, 2013

Travel day from New Orleans to Pensacola Fl.  About 200 miles.  We got up at 5 am and were on the freeway.  by 6:20 am.  We saw a cruise ship in Mobile bay and wondered if it was the one that made the news.  A small section of the freeway goes under the water in Mobile Bay.  A real surprise for us.
Adventure Caravans said they wanted us to arrive no later than 10am and we just made it. There was nothing really going on till 3:30 so we washed the RV and car.  It was a nice day and Carl is pretty picky about a clean RV.  At 3:30 we had orientation and dinner at a local restaurant.  Met lots of nice people.  It started raining during the night with lots of lightning and thunder.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013

It rained hard with thunder and lightning for several hours starting about 2am.  Always enjoy thunder and lightning. It is a rarity at home. 
Today was not a drive day.  Just a lot of walking.  We walked to the French Market then back to the ferry.  Took the ferry across the river walked around a couple blocks and back on the next ferry.  We rode the trolley back to the French Market and had appetizers at Jimmy Buffets.  Then walked to and took a cooking class at the New Orleans School of Cooking.  The menu today was Shrimp and Artichoke Soup, Crawfish Etouffee and Pralines.  This was an observation type class, not hands on.  You get to eat what they cook along with water, sweet tea or Abita Beer.  We had a good time, very entertaining plus we sat at a table with 6 other nice people. Everyone in New Orleans comes from somewhere and has a different reason to be there. Fun, I would do it again.
We were back at the RV by 5:30 to prepare for an early day tomorrow.  We are supposed to be in Pensacola by 10 am tomorrow and we lose an hour.  About 200 miles.

February 22, 2013

Today we started our day at Wal-Mart.  They had the best price on Diesel that we have seen 3.93/gal. We decided to fill up the RV even if we did not need it.  We probably could have made it to Pensacola on what we had.  While at Wal-Mart we bought some of Carl’s local favorites so he can enjoy them when we get home.  These include: Crawfish tails, Boudin Sausage, Andouille Smoked Sausage, Tasso (spicy ham), Etouffee mix, and some Zatarains varieties not available at home.

We drove to New Orleans – about 200 miles.  The drive was a little stressful with wind, rain, road construction and traffic.  We crossed two swamp areas, the Atchafalaya and Maurepas.  There are signs of spring in the swamps.  Trees are starting to bud and yellow flowers on the ground.

The RV Park in the French Quarter is very nice.  It’s right off the Freeway and the off-ramp puts you right where you need to be so no driving the RV on the little New Orleans streets.  It is the most expensive park we’ve stayed at $73/nt.  It rained hard shortly after we got here then no rain the rest of the evening.
I think we may have been a little tired of being on the move.  We stayed in the RV the rest of the day.  We played board games, did laundry, watched a DVD of Lincoln, etc.  Sandy’s Pecan pie was even better the second time if that’s possible

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21, 2013

A travel day.  We traveled from McKinney Falls State Park to Lake Charles LA.  About 318 miles.  Rain and wind along the way.  Houston was like a hub of freeways.  I was impressed with how well marked they were.
We had Crawfish for dinner.  Carl has been craving these crawfish since he worked here 16 years ago.  He was so into eating them that he was a little short with me that he had to stop long enough to show me how to peal and eat them.  He’s a happy camper now with his belly full of crawfish.  Wish I had a picture.

February 20, 2013

This was a quilting day for me and a shopping day for Carl.  I got to visit two quilt shops and attend a quilt group meeting with Sandy.  Her quilt group is working on quilts for soldiers and baby quilts.  I bought a "Sewing with Whimsy" book at the quilt store so I can make cutesy dresses for the twins.  Carl and Malcolm went grocery shopping and to Costco and had Texas BBQ for lunch.   Sandy and Malcolm fixed us an outstanding dinner and desert at their home.

February 19, 2013
We met our friends, Malcolm and Sandy, by Lady Bird Lake in Austin.  We walked along the lake and had lunch at Shady Grove.  A very good choice by Sandy.  Then we rode with them around downtown Austin to get a feel for the city. We drove on the University campus so Carl could see the stadium.  We spent the afternoon at their lovely home and then out to Tex-mex for dinner.


February 18, 2013

We woke up this morning at 4:45 with a phone call from my sister that our alarm is going off at home. (That’s 2:45 at home.)  We owe apologies to all our neighbors, my sister and friend Julane.  It turned out to be a power failure and a poor battery in our alarm system.  Big thanks to Miguel our next door neighbor for getting and installing a new battery.  In the beginning I was looking for round trip flights to go home to the tune of $1000 on short notice.  So glad that was not necessary.

We drove from Fredericksburg to McKinney Falls State Park, just outside Austin TX.  About an 82mile drive.  We rode our bikes to the upper and lower falls and on all the campsite roads.  There were two perimeter trails.  We rode the first one that was quite fun.  It was paved and went through an area of trees, cacti, and past Onion creek.  That being so fun we decided to try the other that turned out to be single track dirt trail with rocks, tree roots etc.  Somehow we got off the main trail and a little lost.  We crossed the creek at lower falls and of course I got my feet wet.  All in a good days fun. 

February 17, 2013

Our second day in Fredericksburg TX.  A day for housekeeping and shopping.  We went to Wal-Mart then walked up and down Main Street and looked in all the shops.  Carl watched a Kings game.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 16, 2013

Fredericksburg was settled by German farmers and tries to maintain some of the old country traditions.  There is lots of food and shopping.  It could remind you of Solvang CA but the architecture is not as distinct and German instead of Danish. An “AAA Gem” is the “National Museum of the Pacific War”.  We spent hours in the extensive exhibits.  Anything you ever wanted to know about WWII in the pacific can be learned there.  There is a section dedicated to Admiral Nimitz, who grew up near here.  There were at least 40 indoor exhibits covering battles, all extremely well done.

We visited a local brewery, a store selling quilts but not fabric, ate dinner at a German restaurant, and went to a performance at the “RockBox Theater”.  A very enjoyable day.

February 15, 2013

Just a travel day.  Left Whites City and went north to Carlsbad.  Then south east to the I10.  The landscape between Carlsbad and the I10 is predominately flat, flat, flat.  Then east to the 290.  And East again to Fredericksburg.  We traveled 411 miles.  I drove about 130 miles.  We try to plan no more than 300 miles for a travel day but Carl had renewed energy after my drive and went the extra distance to our next planned stop Fredericksburg TX.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14, 2013    Happy Valentine’s Day!

This morning we took a Ranger guided tour of the “King’s Palace”. This is another large portion of the cave only accessible by tour.  It is a mile loop and takes about an hour and a half.  Amazing views.  You can walk in and out of the caves from the natural entrance or you can walk down and take the elevator up.  We opted for the elevator both ways, both days with a walk to view the natural entrance from the surface with a minimal number of switch backs.  May through summer you can watch bats swarm out of the caves in the evenings.  That would have been interesting.  This time of year some bats have migrated to Mexico and others hibernate.

February 13, 2013

Traveled 168 miles from Anthony TX to Whites City NM.   Along the way we stopped at the Guadalupe Mountains National Park Visitor Center.   This park as very few roads but lots of hiking trails.  We visited Carlsbad Caverns National Park and went on a self guided tour of the “Big Room” 750’ below the surface.  It is massive.  One mile walk around the perimeter.  Pictures do not do it justice.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

Today we traveled 384 miles (80 more than planned) from San Tan Valley to Anthony Texas.  Everything east of Tuson is new to us.  We have not driven this way before.  I drove about 150 miles. I mention my miles because they are a little stressful for me but the more I do the more I relax.  Driving a 34’ RV towing a car is a bit out of my comfort zone.  But you should also know that I drive from rest area to rest area, no city driving just the straightaway.  Anthony Texas is right on the border of New Mexico and Texas.  Diesel remains about the same but we saw regular as low as $3.25 in central New Mexico.  We saw snow on the ground in areas above 3500’.  We crossed the continental divide.  The landscape has been predominately flat high desert type terrain with scattered outcroppings of mountains.

Tomorrow we will travel back into New Mexico and check out Carlsbad Caverns.