Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

Today we traveled 384 miles (80 more than planned) from San Tan Valley to Anthony Texas.  Everything east of Tuson is new to us.  We have not driven this way before.  I drove about 150 miles. I mention my miles because they are a little stressful for me but the more I do the more I relax.  Driving a 34’ RV towing a car is a bit out of my comfort zone.  But you should also know that I drive from rest area to rest area, no city driving just the straightaway.  Anthony Texas is right on the border of New Mexico and Texas.  Diesel remains about the same but we saw regular as low as $3.25 in central New Mexico.  We saw snow on the ground in areas above 3500’.  We crossed the continental divide.  The landscape has been predominately flat high desert type terrain with scattered outcroppings of mountains.

Tomorrow we will travel back into New Mexico and check out Carlsbad Caverns.

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