Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 18, 2013

We woke up this morning at 4:45 with a phone call from my sister that our alarm is going off at home. (That’s 2:45 at home.)  We owe apologies to all our neighbors, my sister and friend Julane.  It turned out to be a power failure and a poor battery in our alarm system.  Big thanks to Miguel our next door neighbor for getting and installing a new battery.  In the beginning I was looking for round trip flights to go home to the tune of $1000 on short notice.  So glad that was not necessary.

We drove from Fredericksburg to McKinney Falls State Park, just outside Austin TX.  About an 82mile drive.  We rode our bikes to the upper and lower falls and on all the campsite roads.  There were two perimeter trails.  We rode the first one that was quite fun.  It was paved and went through an area of trees, cacti, and past Onion creek.  That being so fun we decided to try the other that turned out to be single track dirt trail with rocks, tree roots etc.  Somehow we got off the main trail and a little lost.  We crossed the creek at lower falls and of course I got my feet wet.  All in a good days fun. 

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